Computer Science

According to UNESCO, information technology has been defined as the fields of scientific research in archeology and examinations.
Because Sudan is experiencing a tremendous development in the information technology infrastructure, there has been a need for the use of modern technologies, while supporting the application of risk control programs through the use of information technology in the private sector.
IT programs for the networks used by the company are in line with international standards for their applications. .
By the end of the nineties, it became clear that the academic preparation programs to fund the skills of searching for basic data for institutions, then began universities and colleges
Add to search results in King Abdulaziz University for Science and Technology.
Creation: Year 2012.
The IT program - Al Jazeera Technical College is a distinguished research and educational institution in its programs, educational curricula and scientific research.
To be an IT program - Al Jazeera Technical College is a pioneer in the field of teaching, scientific, nursing and ambulance
To prepare the IT program - Al Jazeera Technical College is professional enough to qualify for the completion of work in the field of development and management at the King Abdulaziz University for Science and Technology Community.